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Hang Free™

Hang Free® Attachment System (H.F.A.S.)- Prusik/Spliced Tender Only

Hang Free® Attachment System (H.F.A.S.)- Prusik/Spliced Tender Only

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Regular price $5.99 USD
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Sizing: When selecting size/diameter, the size selected will be what the H.F.A.S. fits. Example: 1/8 FB Diameter is selected. This Prusik/Tender will fit a 1/8 Full Bury Main Line. 

The H.F.A.S. is our patented attachment method that is a Beefed up AmSteel®-Blue Schwabisch Hitch and has a spliced in 1.75mm Dyneema Prusik Tender. This allows for the easiest and tightest attaching of your sticks, stands, and platforms that has ever been possible. This Product listing is for the Prusik only. Sizes that fit 1/8 Full Bury Main Lines, 3/16 Full Bury Main Lines, and 3/16 NON Full Bury main line are available.

We decided to sell the H.F.A.S. as the Prusik/Tender portion only to allow for everyone who already has a USA Mod, Deluxe USA Mod, or various other attachments that have a Full Bury Main Line, to be able to convert them to an H.F.A.S. Mod. Simply select the size H.F.A.S. you need, watch the provided video on how to add the Prusik to your main line, and enjoy the ease it will bring you for climbing up the tree. 

The 1/8 FB Size and 3/16 FB Size is made to make a 4:2 Schwabisch hitch as shown in the video. The 1/8 FB Size will also fit a 3/16 NON Full Bury Main Line and will also make a 4:2 Schwabisch hitch. You can see this via our Hang Free Attachment System Lyte option. 

Note: We CANNOT guarantee this will fit Full Bury Main Lines other than those purchased from Hang Free®. If you have purchased an attachment method in the past from another company, it may have been made differently than we make them here at Hang Free®. We can only guarantee that this will fit the Full Bury Main Lines that we have made and sold. If you decide to purchase one of our H.F.A.S. Prusiks to use with another company's Full Bury Main Line, different from our own, you do so at your own risk. HANG FREE® LLC holds no responsibility in the event the H.F.A.S. Mod fails after application or does not fit correctly on your main line.

Video showing how to change out to the new H.F.A.S. available on this listing.

Use of this product is done so at the customer/users own risk.

Made in the USA.

*U.S. Pat. No. 12,173,775*

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